Hopefully this will be a living post that I will update on a regular basis as I come across more little things I want to do.
Get a list of all VM names fast
Get a list of all Host names fast
Get a list of all VM's and their IP address (only works for powered on VM's)
Get a list of all snapshots that are more than 2 days old and display its age in days
Get report about host CPU, Network and Storage usage (real-time stats)
Get a list of all VM names fast
Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name | Select Name
Get a list of all Host names fast
Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name | Select Name
Get a list of all VM's and their IP address (only works for powered on VM's)
Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name, Guest.IpAddress | Foreach-Object {Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IpAddress -Value $($_.Guest.IpAddress) -Pa
ssThru} | Select Name, IpAddress
Get a list of all snapshots that are more than 2 days old and display its age in days
Get-Snapshot -VM $(Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config.Template -Filter @{"Config.Template"="False"} | foreach { $_.name }) | Where-Object {$_.Created -lt $(Get-Date).AddDays(-2)} | ForEach-Object {Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $_ -PassThru -Name Age -Value $((Get-Date) - ($_.Created)).Days} | Select-Object Name, Description, Created, Age
List any VM's that have CD drives attached (might stop vMotion working)
Get-Vm | Foreach-Object {$CD = Get-CdDrive -Vm $_; If ($CD.IsoPath -or $CD.HostDevice){$_ | Select-Object Name}}
Detach CD drives from all VM's
Get-Vm | Foreach-Object {$CD = Get-CdDrive -Vm $_; If ($CD.IsoPath -or $CD.HostDevice){$Null = Set-CdDrive -CD $CD -NoMedia -Confirm:$False}}
Turn on SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Turn off SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Get a list of all VMs (including templates) with their vmx location, current host and folder and export to XML
get-view -viewtype virtualmachine -property name, config.files.vmpathname, parent, Runtime.Host | select name, @{n="vmxFilePath"; e={$_.config.files.vmpathname} }, parent, @{n="host"; e={$_.runtime.host}} | Export-Clixml -Path ./vms.xml
Import the list and add the VMs to inventory
Import-Clixml .\vms.xml | foreach { New-VM -VMFilePath $_.vmxfilepath -VMHost (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.host.toString()) -Location (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.parent.toString()) -RunAsync}
List any VM's that have CD drives attached (might stop vMotion working)
Get-Vm | Foreach-Object {$CD = Get-CdDrive -Vm $_; If ($CD.IsoPath -or $CD.HostDevice){$_ | Select-Object Name}}
Detach CD drives from all VM's
Get-Vm | Foreach-Object {$CD = Get-CdDrive -Vm $_; If ($CD.IsoPath -or $CD.HostDevice){$Null = Set-CdDrive -CD $CD -NoMedia -Confirm:$False}}
Turn on SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Turn off SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Get a list of all VMs (including templates) with their vmx location, current host and folder and export to XML
get-view -viewtype virtualmachine -property name, config.files.vmpathname, parent, Runtime.Host | select name, @{n="vmxFilePath"; e={$_.config.files.vmpathname} }, parent, @{n="host"; e={$_.runtime.host}} | Export-Clixml -Path ./vms.xml
Import the list and add the VMs to inventory
Import-Clixml .\vms.xml | foreach { New-VM -VMFilePath $_.vmxfilepath -VMHost (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.host.toString()) -Location (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.parent.toString()) -RunAsync}
Detach CD drives from all VM's
Get-Vm | Foreach-Object {$CD = Get-CdDrive -Vm $_; If ($CD.IsoPath -or $CD.HostDevice){$Null = Set-CdDrive -CD $CD -NoMedia -Confirm:$False}}
Turn on SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Start-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Turn off SSH for all hosts
Get-VMHost | Foreach-Object { Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$False -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} )}
Get a list of all VMs (including templates) with their vmx location, current host and folder and export to XML
get-view -viewtype virtualmachine -property name, config.files.vmpathname, parent, Runtime.Host | select name, @{n="vmxFilePath"; e={$_.config.files.vmpathname} }, parent, @{n="host"; e={$_.runtime.host}} | Export-Clixml -Path ./vms.xml
Import the list and add the VMs to inventory
Import-Clixml .\vms.xml | foreach { New-VM -VMFilePath $_.vmxfilepath -VMHost (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.host.toString()) -Location (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.parent.toString()) -RunAsync}
Get a list of all VMs (including templates) with their vmx location, current host and folder and export to XML
get-view -viewtype virtualmachine -property name, config.files.vmpathname, parent, Runtime.Host | select name, @{n="vmxFilePath"; e={$_.config.files.vmpathname}Import the list and add the VMs to inventory
Import-Clixml .\vms.xml | foreach { New-VM -VMFilePath $_.vmxfilepath -VMHost (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.host.toString()) -Location (Get-VIObjectByVIView $_.parent.toString()) -RunAsync}
Get a list of all VMs and their configured OS
Get-View -ViewType virtualmachine -property name, config.guestid, config.guestFullName | select name, @{N='guestid'; E={$_.config.guestid}}, @{N='guestFullName'; E={$_.config.guestFullName}} | sort guestid | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path ./vmguests.csv
Get report about host CPU, Network and Storage usage (real-time stats)
get-vmhost | foreach {
$CPU = Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Stat cpu.usagemhz.average -Realtime | measure -Average -Maximum value
$net = get-stat -Entity $_ -Realtime -stat net.usage.average | where {$_.instance -eq ""} | measure -Average -Maximum value
$storage = get-stat -Entity $_ -stat storageAdapter.write.average -realtime | measure -average -maximum value
$_ | select @{N='Cluster';E={$_.parent.name}}, name, @{N='CPU MHz Usage Average';E={$CPU.average}}, @{N='CPU MHz Usage Average Max';E={$CPU.Maximum}}, @{N='Net KBps Usage Average';E={$Net.average}}, @{N='Net KBps Usage Average Max';E={$Net.Maximum}}, @{N='Storage KBps Usage Average';E={$CPU.average}}, @{N='Storage KBps Usage Average Max';E={$CPU.Maximum}}
} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path ./Host_Usage.csv
$CPU = Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Stat cpu.usagemhz.average -Realtime | measure -Average -Maximum value
$net = get-stat -Entity $_ -Realtime -stat net.usage.average | where {$_.instance -eq ""} | measure -Average -Maximum value
$storage = get-stat -Entity $_ -stat storageAdapter.write.average -realtime | measure -average -maximum value
$_ | select @{N='Cluster';E={$_.parent.name}}, name, @{N='CPU MHz Usage Average';E={$CPU.average}}, @{N='CPU MHz Usage Average Max';E={$CPU.Maximum}}, @{N='Net KBps Usage Average';E={$Net.average}}, @{N='Net KBps Usage Average Max';E={$Net.Maximum}}, @{N='Storage KBps Usage Average';E={$CPU.average}}, @{N='Storage KBps Usage Average Max';E={$CPU.Maximum}}
} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path ./Host_Usage.csv
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